Saturday, February 12, 2011

Here we go!

So I've been trying to stay cool and collected about preparing for that wonderful time in a woman's life called "Motherhood".  I think I've actually done a decent job up to this point.  The trouble is... I'm expecting twins.  Whatever advice people have for one baby, I am trying to mentally adapt to having two adorable bundles of love and joy.  Today marks 28 weeks, and I'll admit, I'm starting to get fidgety about getting the nursery ready.

First of all, though, is the obvious problem with being pregnant - not much energy to do EVERYTHING that needs to be done.  I'm trying to cope, but modified bed rest is not helping my nesting instincts.  Add that to the fact that this pregnancy has been anything but normal, it makes things a bit tougher than a first time Mom would like.

Next comes the the parade of advice and well meaning comments.  My favorite lately: "You don't look pregnant with twins!"  I am actually grateful that I am not big as a house, but how exactly is one to respond to that?  I have yet to come up with a snappy response.  Some that I've tried are: "I will be grateful for that in a couple of months..." and (after looking down at my less-than-ample belly) "Really?!  Huh.  You are right.  If you say so, I must not be pregnant with twins!"  Okay, the second one is usually a response I play in my head, but I really would like to say it out loud sometime...

Lastly, the moment I mention that I want to cloth diaper my babies, most people look at me like I'm from Mars.  I guess most people still live in the age of flats, prefolds, pins and plastic pants.  The most common reaction is "Why?"  For some, a brief explanation like budget constraints quiet them down, but others assert that they would never do that!  They would rather work a second job to pay for the extra expense of disposables than to do such an archaic activity like washing soiled diapers.  I usually don't try and convince them to concede to my side of the debate, but I do make a note to not mention it again to them (or ask them to babysit).

All in all, I think I am coping pretty well with everything, but I have learned that the work of a Mom (to be) is never done.


  1. What a fun idea, Cami! I love your new blog! Such cute pictures, too. I will have to get you to show me how you did all that stuff.

    You will be an awesome Mom! You had good teachers, right?! ;) Love you!!

  2. Thank you, Mom! I have been meaning to do this blog for a few months, but haven't gotten around to it. Thanks for the sweet comment on the pictures and such. I would be happy to help you with your blog when I come visit.

    And yes, I had a wonderful teacher for being a Mom. You did, too. =) I'm really looking forward to it! Love you, too!
