Monday, February 21, 2011

Baby Shower and Nursery

It happened!  Saturday, the baby shower came through.  It was a wonderful time with family, and I really enjoyed it.  Somehow, I think the babies did, too.

I drove down to my Aunt's house in West Jordan, and met up with my family.  There was Aunt Verlene, Amy, Julie and LaDonna from my family, and Dan's Aunt Brenda, cousin Shauntyl and great Aunt Pat.  We went out to dinner at Sweet Tomatoes - a yummy salad and soup buffet, and then headed back to Verlene's house so I could open up gifts.  (LaDonna kindly took the photos for me, so she isn't in any of them...)

I got 2 Pack n Plays w/ sheets, some cute outfits and bibs, and some baby toys.  In addition to the new gifts, my cousins were generous enough to share some hand me downs from their kids.  The have mostly boys in their families, so Seth has loads of outfits to wear.  I really enjoyed washing, folding and sorting them all by size.

I also got blankets and towels, a swing, a high chair, an exersaucer, and a dresser w/ changing pad for the top.  The dresser will be brought up on another day, since it was raining and snowing on Saturday.  I am so blessed to have such generous family.  This makes things much less stressful for me, since I have less to worry about getting ready.

Saturday night and into Sunday, I have been getting everything situated in the nursery.  With Charles successfully (but not happily) ousted from the room, I have been able to get things set up.  Due to the expense of buying 2 cribs, we opted to use the Pack n Plays as bassinets until we can get the cribs.  I think they will do just fine.  And, they are very easy to set up and take down.  A big plus for moving about the house.

All in all, I am so very happy and grateful for my family, and their help in getting us set up for the arrival of Seth and Kate.


  1. I am so happy for you Cami! It is hard for me to be here and you there and no way of sharing personally in your fun right now. I'm grateful for family and their love and generosity as well! Looks like you are getting pretty well set up...I love it!! :)

  2. Yes, I think I am feeling a little less stressed about being "ready" for them. Yay for wonderful family!!!!
